Rose Soul (Soul)

Rose Soul (Soul)

Although the rose is called the queen of flowers, few varieties of this noble plant have a truly regal appearance. However, the Soul variety is quite worthy of such a high title. This is a novelty of German breeding, ...

Rosa Casanova

Rosa Casanova

It's hard not to recognize the grace and charm of hybrid tea roses. Many varieties of this group are simply charming. A striking example is the wonderful variety of Casanova. It has a lot of advantages: beautiful, delicate shade of petals, long-lasting ...

Apple variety Chervonets (columnar)

Apple variety Chervonets (columnar)

Having a real apple orchard on a tiny plot is not a dream at all, but a reality realized thanks to the joint efforts of nature and breeders. We are talking about columnar apple trees, which, although with some caution, still become ...

Apple variety Phoenix Altai

Apple variety Phoenix Altai

Now it is hard to believe it, but at the beginning of the 20th century there were practically no apple orchards in Altai. But everything changed when a young specialist, breeder M.A. Lisavenko. And work began to boil, began to appear ...

Apple variety Red Catty

Apple variety Red Catty

In Russia, they started talking about this red meat variety relatively recently. There is very little information about him, and what is interesting is that there is no information at all about the Red Katty apple tree on foreign sites. From scrappy ...

Raspberry Heritage

Raspberry Heritage

Raspberry with a loud, beautiful and "authoritative" name. Heritage was one of the first fall varieties to be cultivated commercially. And, of course, he helped popularize the remontant raspberry among gardeners, first in America, ...

White Muscat grape

White Muscat grape

Buy seedlings White Muscat is one of the oldest grape varieties known to mankind since time immemorial. Scientists suggest that his homeland is the Middle East, and he first appeared on the territory of modern Egypt, ...

Grape variety Count of Monte Cristo

Grape variety Count of Monte Cristo

A hybrid form of table grapes called the Count of Monte Cristo began to appear on the plots of amateur winegrowers relatively recently - at the end of the 2000s. Its author, national breeder from Rostov-on-Don - V.U. Kapelyushny, recent decades ...

Thuja western Amber

Thuja western Amber

Evergreen crops with yellow needles are no longer a rarity today, and all thanks to the work of breeders. One of these amazing plants is the western thuja variety Amber (Thuja occidentalis Jantar). His...

Thuja western Golden taffett

Thuja western Golden taffett

Thuja is very popular in modern landscape design. Specimens of a coniferous plant with an unusual shape are especially appreciated. Golden tuffet variety (Thuja occidentalis Golden tuffet) is one of them. History of creation...


