Rose Sangria

Rose Sangria

Perhaps we will not twist our hearts if we say that the rose garden is the dream of any florist. The area where roses are grown can be large. Then various plants can act as companions of the queen of flowers. Special...

Apple variety Gin (columnar)

Apple variety Gin (columnar)

Columnar apple trees are a great solution for small garden areas. They are compact, take up very little space, but at the same time they are fruitful and look very decorative. Thanks to breeding work, these unusual crops ...

Apple variety Summer striped

Apple variety Summer striped

Summer varieties of apple trees are not often planted in industrial gardens. But in almost every summer cottage or in a small private garden, you can find early varieties. They are distinguished by a wide variety in color, taste, ...

Apple variety Memory to a warrior

Apple variety Memory to a warrior

The hybridization method using geographically and ecologically distant pairs (or simply remote hybridization), developed by I.V. Michurin, is currently one of the most widespread in apple breeding. For middle lane conditions ...

Grape variety Elegant

Grape variety Elegant

The elegant, which is most often understood as the very early Elegant, is a popular hybrid form of table grapes, developed at the end of the last century at the All-Russian Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after V.I. ME AND. Potapenko by a team of scientists ...

Grape variety Russian early

Grape variety Russian early

Early Russian is rarely found on personal plots in our time. It was bred in the distant Soviet years, when the scientific institutions of our country were actively researching the creation of new complex-resistant grape varieties ...

Grape variety Bogatyanovsky

Grape variety Bogatyanovsky

Bogatyanovskiy is a relatively new, but quickly became popular, table grape variety. Its author, as is often the case in recent decades, was not a team of researchers from any industry research institute, but an amateur breeder, a legend of a domestic ...

Rose Remy Martin

Rose Remy Martin

The queen of flowers with brightly colored buds can cheer you up, even if you are deeply depressed. This concerns the Remy Martin varieties in the first place. Its flowers have such a cheerful color ...

Rose Martin Frobisher

Rose Martin Frobisher

Winter hardiness is a very important criterion for choosing rose varieties. It is especially important for flower growers living and forced to breed decorative flowering plants in regions with a harsh climate. The varieties have excellent frost resistance ...

Rose Baron Edmond de Rothschild

Rose Baron Edmond de Rothschild

Fragrant roses have a special charm, because a strong, pleasant aroma always complements the attractive appearance of a noble plant, making the culture more interesting for the grower. Variety Baron Edmond de Rothschild ...


