Peony Shirley Temple

Peony Shirley Temple

Inexperienced growers, as a rule, are afraid to start by growing varietal crops of an unusually attractive appearance. They associate the effectiveness of the plant with the need for careful and complex care of it. In fact, now there is ...

Peony Top brass

Peony Top brass

Despite the abundance of modern decorative flowering perennials, there are not so many really special and therefore memorable ones. One of these plants can be safely called Top breaststroke peony. It has a certain zest, thanks to which ...

Grape variety Ladies fingers (Husayne white)

Grape variety Ladies fingers (Husayne white)

Husayne white is an ancient oriental grape variety, which in the former USSR spread mainly in the Central Asian republics, and is known mainly by its market name - Ladies fingers. The variety turned out to be so popular that over time the name ...

Charlie grape variety

Charlie grape variety

The hybrid form (and recently an officially registered variety) of Charlie table grapes was bred in the recent past by the Russian national breeder Evgeny Pavlovsky from the city of Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov region. The variety is also known ...

Grape variety Century

Grape variety Century

Buy seedlings Centennial seedless grapes appeared relatively recently in our country, but has already gained wide popularity among numerous amateur winegrowers. The variety is native to the USA, where it was obtained ...

Rose Lady Emma Hamilton (Lady Emma Hamilton)

Rose Lady Emma Hamilton (Lady Emma Hamilton)

Of the many varieties of the queen of flowers, English roses stand out especially. They took all the best from the most common groups of ornamental plants: harmonious bush shape, species characteristics of old varieties, long ...

Rose Clementine

Rose Clementine

To be considered beautiful, a flower does not need to be impressive in size. Small buds can be very cute too. This remark is especially true for varietal ornamental plants. And now you will meet ...

Rose Ali Baba (Alibaba)

Rose Ali Baba (Alibaba)

If you really sincerely love roses and own your own flower garden, then it probably has a couple of climbing varieties of this amazing plant. Or maybe you just have to choose those for ...

Peony Rubra captivity (Rubra plena)

Peony Rubra captivity (Rubra plena)

Peonies today can be seen in almost every flower garden. This is because these plants are generally unpretentious and very resistant to cold weather, and other negative environmental factors. Your attention is invited to information ...

Apple variety Pinova

Apple variety Pinova

Continuing our acquaintance with the winter varieties of apple trees, which differ not only in good keeping quality, but also in excellent taste, it is worth mentioning the German variety Pinova (also known as Corail, Sonata, Pinata). Created ...


