Grape variety Mercedes (Hadji Murat)

Grape variety Mercedes (Hadji Murat)

Hadji Murat is a high-quality, very large-fruited hybrid form of popular grape selection originally from Tajikistan. By its place of origin, it is often called "Tajikistan", and in neighboring Uzbekistan, the popular name Mercedes is firmly entrenched in it ...

Apple variety Red Delicious

Apple variety Red Delicious

The Red Delicious apple tree has a rather interesting fate. The culture is over 100 years old. And at one time, the variety was incredibly popular in the United States, and not only there. In a fairly short time, he received ...

Tomato variety Organza (F1)

Tomato variety Organza (F1)

The increasing production of greenhouse vegetables around the world requires new technologies that significantly reduce the cost of growing by reducing labor costs. One of these innovations is the cultivation of vegetables, and in particular tomatoes, on low-volume substrates. Specially ...

Tomato variety New Koenigsberg

Tomato variety New Koenigsberg

Among the varieties of tomatoes, the name Königsberg is quite famous. Its author is V.N. Dederko. This wonderful tomato was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation in 2005. Among tomato growers, this culture ...

Apple variety Pink pearls

Apple variety Pink pearls

Apples with red or pink flesh - if anyone hasn't seen it, they've probably heard of them. Some treat such a curiosity with suspicion, suggesting that it could not have done without the ubiquitous GMO. But the first ...

Rose El toro

Rose El toro

Flowers of bright colors in most people usually evoke no less vivid emotions. And if we are talking about roses, then many will certainly want to settle such a plant in their garden. The specified description includes ...

Peony Cora Louise (Cora Louise)

Peony Cora Louise (Cora Louise)

The group of peonies, called ITO-hybrids, stands out strongly from other varieties of the specified plant. It is represented by varieties whose inflorescences can be safely called royal or even imperial - so majestic and refined ...

Peony Dinner plate

Peony Dinner plate

Pale pink flowers make the garden design more harmonious. Peonies with lush buds of the indicated shade are especially beautiful. Contemplating them, you feel how your heart is filled with tenderness. If you like these creations ...

Rose High magic

Rose High magic

Nowadays, everyone can choose the queen of flowers for the garden to their taste. However, this is not easy to do, because the existing assortment of varieties of roses is constantly replenished with new varieties. But there are instances ...

Rosa hocus pocus (Hocus pocus)

Rosa hocus pocus (Hocus pocus)

Striped roses look bright, intriguing and very stylish. But nature alone could not create such a masterpiece worthy of admiration. Breeders came to her aid. This creative union delighted gardeners with roses with unusual colors ...


