Grape variety Sensation

Grape variety Sensation

Buy seedlings A hybrid of table grapes Sensation is the result of the work of the national breeder from Rostov-on-Don Vasily Kapelyushny. An engineer by profession, he has been practicing amateur viticulture for many years as a hobby. However, over time, the hobby ...

Merlot grape variety

Merlot grape variety

Merlot is an excellent and widespread dark colored technical grape native to France. Belongs to the Western European ecological-geographical group. His small homeland is the famous province of Bordeaux, which has long been famous for its wonderful traditions ...

Grape variety Kishmish 342 (Hungarian Kishmish)

Grape variety Kishmish 342 (Hungarian Kishmish)

Buy seedlings Kishmish 342 - a hybrid form of table grapes from Hungary. This country has presented us with many highly resistant and unpretentious grape masterpieces based on the crossing of interspecific hybrids with well-known European varieties ...

Grape variety Timur

Grape variety Timur

Buy seedlings The hybrid form of Timur table grapes was obtained at the All-Russian Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after V.I. Ya.I. Potapenko by a team of scientists under the leadership of the famous domestic breeder, Honored Agronomist of the Russian Federation ...

Tempranillo grape variety

Tempranillo grape variety

Tempranillo is a famous and ancient Spanish grape variety widely grown in this country and abroad for further processing into high quality red wines with a soft texture and timeless elegance. Until recently it was assumed ...

Grape variety Ruby Jubilee

Grape variety Ruby Jubilee

Ruby jubilee is a hybrid form of table grapes, bred by one of the founders of the national national selection, Viktor Krainov, from Novocherkassk. Since 1953, Viktor Nikolaevich has been growing sun berries on his site on the shore ...

Grape variety in memory of the teacher

Grape variety in memory of the teacher

In memory of the Teacher - an amateur table grape variety, the fruit of the labor of Evgeny Pavlovsky from Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov region. The novelty is dedicated to the person who once became a guide for the national breeder ...

Nizina grape variety

Nizina grape variety

Without exaggeration, the table grape variety Nizina can be called a pioneer of modern domestic national selection. Its appearance at the end of the past millennium has become a kind of guiding star for a whole galaxy ...

Lily of the valley grape variety

Lily of the valley grape variety

Lily of the valley is one of the newest hybrid forms of table grapes, obtained by the national breeder Vitaliy Zagorulko from Ukraine. Like many of his colleagues, Vitaly Vladimirovich began to create new varieties, one might say ...

Crystal grape variety

Crystal grape variety

Crystal is a very successful Hungarian interspecific hybrid of white technical grapes. It is distinguished by its amazing frost resistance, resistance to fungal diseases and good quality of the wine produced from it. Received from the Department of Genetics and Selection of the University of Horticulture ...


