Tomato variety Debut (F1)

Tomato variety Debut (F1)

The Dutch company Monsanto Holland B. V., quite well-known in our market, has pleased experienced and novice vegetable growers with an excellent variety called Debut. The application for registration of the novelty was submitted in 2007, ...

Tomato variety Mushroom basket

Tomato variety Mushroom basket

Already no one is surprised by the varieties of tomatoes of various colors. The last hobby of tomato growers is unusual and even original forms of fruits. Of the most interesting varieties, the Mushroom basket should be distinguished, the authors of which, V.N. Dederko ...

Cucumber variety Emerald Placer (F1)

Cucumber variety Emerald Placer (F1)

Continuing your acquaintance with the cucumber novelties, you cannot ignore the hybrid called the Emerald Placer. Agrofirma Poisk LLC announced its creation in 2013. After variety trials, in 2015, the variety was introduced ...

How to treat the boards for the beds from decay?

How to treat the boards for the beds from decay?

Recently, bulk beds with wooden crate have gained particular popularity. Such designs have a number of advantages. For example, a wooden box reliably protects the ridge from erosion (soil leaching) - this is especially important ...

Why do geranium leaves curl inward?

Why do geranium leaves curl inward?

Pelargonium, better known as blood-red geranium, is a very unpretentious flower that has received registration on the windowsills of many indoor floriculture lovers. However, even when growing this plant, flower growers often face problems, ...

The best strawberry varieties for the Urals

The best strawberry varieties for the Urals

Strawberries, and if you speak correctly, garden strawberries, are one of the most popular berry crops. Strawberries are grown both on personal plots and on an industrial scale almost everywhere. In fairness, it should be noted that ...

Raspberry variety Penguin

Raspberry variety Penguin

Everyone loves penguins. Adorable, though flightless, seabirds. They cause an involuntary smile, only kind, positive emotions. And of course, there is no question why the so-called short, but beautiful, "stately" new ...

Rochefort grape variety

Rochefort grape variety

The table grape variety Rochefort is one of the many novelties of the master of folk selection Evgeny Georgievich Pavlovsky from Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov region of the Russian Federation. For a former miner, the creation of new varieties of the sun berry has become ...

Rumba grape variety

Rumba grape variety

The numerous hybrid forms of amateur-bred grapes that have appeared in recent years often cannot boast of anything other than the unusual and impressive size of the bunches, with their varied and attractive colors. Otherwise, many of them show themselves ...

Grape variety Original

Grape variety Original

Buy seedlings Table grape variety The original is the result of the work of a team of scientists from the Ukrainian Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after V.E. Tairov. In more than thirty years since the emergence of the popular variety, ...


