Hydrangea paniculata Magical candle

Hydrangea paniculata Magical candle

Of all the existing varieties of hydrangea, paniculata is the most memorable. It's all about the spectacular appearance, due mainly to the shape, size and shade of the inflorescences. The variety Magical may be of some interest for a florist ...

Hydrangea paniculata Phantom

Hydrangea paniculata Phantom

Panicle hydrangea is an oriental flower. From time immemorial, it was grown in Japan and China. Thanks to the science of breeding, many varieties with new qualities have been bred on the basis of this culture. Most of the traits of its wild ancestor ...

Hydrangea paniculata Fraise melba

Hydrangea paniculata Fraise melba

There is an opinion that the more noble the flower, the more claims it makes to the growing conditions and care. However, this is a delusion. Not every cultivated and varietal plant is capricious and capricious. Proof of this ...

Rose Versilia

Rose Versilia

Among the huge number of varietal roses, there are those that deserve to be immortalized in poetry or on the artist's canvas - they are so attractive. Such is the representative of the Rosaceae family with a melodic, downright royal name ...

Rose Luxor

Rose Luxor

A unique garden design is easy to create by placing bred flowers on your backyard. And the first thing that comes to mind for the decoration of the landscape around us is the beauties of the rose. Meet ...

Spathiphyllum variety Chopin (Chopin)

Spathiphyllum variety Chopin (Chopin)

Many indoor plants have "popular names". For example, the tree-like bastard is called the "money tree", sansevieria is known as "mother-in-law's tongue", under the funny phrase "Vanka wet" is a beautiful balsam flower ...

When to get dahlias for germination?

When to get dahlias for germination?

Dahlias are loved by many flower growers due to the variety of shapes and color palette. Growing these plants is not particularly difficult, but there are some nuances here. When to get dahlias and how to germinate them? - this question...

Tomato variety EM-Champion

Tomato variety EM-Champion

Novosibirsk breeder V.N. Dederko is well known to gardeners all over Russia. He owns interesting varieties of tomatoes, including EM-Champion, which received high marks from tomato growers in Siberia and the Urals. The species has been registered ...

Arcadia grape variety

Arcadia grape variety

Buy seedlings Arcadia - a very popular and widespread table variety, bred at the Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after V.E. Tairov, located in the Odessa region of Ukraine. Its authors were Dokuchaeva E.N., Meleshko L.F., Chabanenko ...


