Eggplant variety Bibo (F1)

Eggplant variety Bibo (F1)

Buy seed material What breeders did not come up with. For example, Bibo was created - an eggplant with an unusual white skin color. In the garden, this vegetable looks very unusual, but it is in great demand among gardeners. Applicants - Dutch ...

Potato variety Innovator

Potato variety Innovator

The innovator is a Dutch mid-early potato variety (Solanum tuberosum) for table use. Bred by HZPC Holland B. V. specialists in the late 90s. In 2005 it was added to the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation. Accepted ...

Potato variety Spiridon

Potato variety Spiridon

Spiridon is a medium-ripening Russian table potato variety (Solanum tuberosum). Bred by specialists of the South Ural Research Institute of Horticulture and Potato Growing. In 2007, it was included in the state register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation. Zoned ...

Potato variety Baron

Potato variety Baron

Baron is an early ripe potato variety (Solanum tuberosum) for table use. It was obtained by breeders of the Ural Research Institute of Agriculture in the early 2000s. In 2006, it was included in the state register of plants of the Russian Federation ...

Amir raspberry variety

Amir raspberry variety

There are common raspberry varieties, there are good, not very good, summer, remontant varieties, and there are simply legendary varieties. Polka belongs to such, the best in many respects in its class, with which other representatives of culture are compared ...

Irma strawberry variety

Irma strawberry variety

Irma is a variety of garden strawberries of neutral daylight hours (NSD), or, as we call them, remontant. Bred in the city of Verona, Italy. The pedigree includes varieties such as Marmolada, Addie, Earliglow ....

Potato variety Kamensky

Potato variety Kamensky

Kamenskiy is a table variety of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) of early ripening. Bred by breeders of the Ural Research Institute of Agriculture. In 2009 it was included in the state register of plants of the Russian Federation. Approved for cultivation in three ...

Potato variety Nikulinsky

Potato variety Nikulinsky

Nikulinsky is a medium late potato variety (Solanum tuberosum) for table use. It was bred back in the early 90s by specialists of the A. G. Lorkh All-Union Potato Research Institute. To obtain were used ...

Fritella potato variety

Fritella potato variety

Fritella is a mid-season potato variety (Solanum tuberosum) for table use. Received by the specialists of the A. G. Lorkh All-Union Potato Research Institute in cooperation with Agrocenter Korenevo LLC. For breeding were used varieties ...

Apple variety Liberty

Apple variety Liberty

Without exaggeration, the apple tree is the most popular tree in the gardens of Russia and some post-Soviet states, as well as in Europe and America. Moreover, the migration of varieties occurs constantly. So, in the mid-80s, to our country because of ...


