Grape variety Anthony the Great

Grape variety Anthony the Great

The hybrid form of table grapes, Anthony the Great, in terms of the totality of characteristics, fully corresponds to its loud name, first surprising, and then annually delighting its owners with the aesthetic and gastronomic splendor of the fruit. Like this...

Grape variety Zarnitsa

Grape variety Zarnitsa

Zarnitsa is a magnificent in appearance, light-colored hybrid of table grapes, created by the famous domestic amateur breeder Viktor Krainov at the beginning of the 2000s. The author used his beloved as parental forms ...

Grape variety Taiga

Grape variety Taiga

The Taezhny variety is a variety of Amur grapes, discovered and introduced into cultivation by the breeder of the Suifuno-Ussuriyskaya fruit and berry station Nikolai Nikolaevich Tikhonov, a follower and student of I.V. Michurin. The researcher made this discovery back in 1933 ...

Syrah (Shiraz) grape variety

Syrah (Shiraz) grape variety

The technical dark-colored Syrah grape, or as it is also called - Shiraz, is one of the most widespread varieties of the sun berry in the world. With a total area exceeding 100 thousand hectares, it confidently enters ...

Bianca grape variety

Bianca grape variety

Buy seedlings The appearance on the European continent of typical American diseases and pests of the vine, such as mildew, oidium, phylloxera, caused a protracted crisis in the wine industry in the 19th century, which lasted until ...

Grape variety Manicure finger

Grape variety Manicure finger

Finger manicure (Manicure Finger), which means "manicured finger" - is very popular abroad, and in recent years in our country, a picturesque variety of table grapes originating from the Land of the Rising Sun. Its name ...

Grape variety Asya

Grape variety Asya

A hybrid form of grapes called Asya is a high-quality table variety, bred in the 2000s in Ukraine by the national breeder Vitaly Zagorulko from the Zaporozhye region. Engineer by education and initial occupation, Vitaly ...

Grape variety Nakhodka (Kishmish Nakhodka)

Grape variety Nakhodka (Kishmish Nakhodka)

The hybrid form of table grapes Nakhodka is one of the many high-quality varieties of "sunny berries" obtained by one of the leading figures of the national selection of V.N. Krainov. Viktor Nikolaevich's contribution to the expansion of ampelographic diversity today ...

Jubilee grape variety

Jubilee grape variety

Buy seedlings It's no secret that a stereotype is firmly entrenched in our minds that grapes are an exclusively southern culture, and its cultivation in the harsh conditions of central Russia, the Urals and Siberia is virtually impossible ...

Galbena nou (Zolotinka) grape variety

Galbena nou (Zolotinka) grape variety

Galbena nou is a universal, complex-stable hybrid of grapes, bred by scientists from the All-Russian Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after V.I. ME AND. Potapenko. Obtained from crossing the Moldavian variety Frumoasa alba with the domestic seedless grape Korinka Russian ...


